National Parks In The States You Need To Visit At Least Once


Virgin Islands National Park.
The most surprising thing about this national park is that it comes with a beach. Virgin Islands National Park is located in the US-owned Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea. One of the most interesting features of this park is that you can enjoy a full day of fun there. It’s not just about the beach. You can boat around there and even visit the nearby historical landmarks. Visiting the island is a hassle though. To reach the national park you have to go through many hurdles but it is worth it.

Lawson Volcano National Park.

Lassen Volcanic National park is located in California. There are about 9 national parks in the state and this park is one of them. The park takes on a topsy-turvy theme with a lot of uneven terrains. It is also on the verge of turning completely red. As the name already suggests, the focal point of this park is the volcano. There are also many entertainment programs available. Programs include most astronomical activities. Although the number of tourists in this park is relatively less compared to others.

New River Gorge National Park.


One of the most natural sites in the nation, this park is sometimes referred to as “heavenly.” Because it passes through it, the river is known as the “New River.” It is also West Virginia’s original national park. The Appalachian Mountains are where the park is situated. Visitors have a fantastic opportunity to cycle and walk around the highlands. In the park, there are also boating facilities. This park’s lack of an entry fee is yet another fantastic aspect.

Kenai Fjord National Park.

This national park almost looks like a movie set. It is surrounded by mountains. It is also famous for owning more than 30 glaciers. Kenai Fjords National Park also offers visitors the luxury of climbing and hiking to see the glaciers. The boating services are also top-notch. You can observe a variety of sea creatures along the way such as humpback whales and orcas. This park is located in Alaska – which also has about 8 national parks.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Carlsbad Caverns is perhaps the most adventurous of the National Parks. It doesn’t take the idea of a mainstream national park but it’s got a lot going for it. It is based in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. It is completely indoor as it has around 95 different caves. The main cave also known as the “Great Room” is the largest of them all. The unique theme is not the only reason why people come to this park, but also because of the bat program. In this program, many bats can be seen flying in the night sky.


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